We are oriented towards your health improvement through physiotherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy and other healing therapies, as well as aesthetic treatments and beauty enhancement to make you feel young, look radiant and have your face rejuvenated, healthy skin, and shaped body.
We use the latest techniques and knowledge to treat your skin (acne, wrinkles, sagging skin, skin discoloration, etc.)
Being oriented to both, health and beauty, makes us the unique and rarely to find on the market complete service provider.
Our team works all together to improve your health and aesthetic aspects.
We strive to help you in returning to your physical best conditions and eliminate or/ and alleviate pain as much as possible.
Our practitioners and aestheticians are those with very special attitude: a blend of positivity, motivation, knowledge, compassion, and professionalism qualities. We believe you found our Clinic your place to stay heathy and improve your wellbeing.
Facials are most effective and vital for regular skin care. Getting Facials regularly is the key to a clear, smooth and radiant skin all year long.
Our team of highly trained professionals and experts in medical aesthetics will provide you with the most advanced and safe treatments to achieve amazing results.
Using Radio Frequency from the Cavitation Machine the treatments improve: texture problems, wrinkles, acne scars, large pores, sagging skin.
Microneedling is a medical cosmetic procedure inducing the skin to make more collagen. It is used for skin resurfacing, sagging skin, wrinkles, scars, pigmentation, stretch marks, hair growth and other common skin concerns.
Using the Cavitation Machine, this treatment reduces fat and increases muscle mass. The treatment can be used in any part of the body. For people with BIM under 30.
Hydra Dermabrasion facial uses the power of water and oxygen to gently exfoliate and hydrate the skin. It consists of cleansing, exfoliation or T-zone intensive care and hydrating the skin.
Stylage and Juvederm Derma Fillers can be injected into specific muscle areas around your head and neck. It is a quick treatment with minimal downtime. You may begin to notice results in a few days.
Using innovative techniques and quality products, our team of beauty experts will provide you with a personalized treatment that will revitalize your skin, reduce the signs of aging, and improve the texture and tone of your face.
From the application of high-quality sunscreens to specialized treatments to combat the effects of aging and environmental damage, our team of experts will provide you with the best solutions to keep your skin protected and in optimal condition.